Sayerlack AT99 Interior Acrylic Topcoat

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Sayerlack AT99 is a top quality interior topcoat 

Can be used as a 2 pack for better durability (contact us for more information)

Brush / Spray application

Can be Crosslinked with XA4080

For best results, Prime with AU474 waterbased primer

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  • Regular price £15.35
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AT99 is a single pack, hydroplus waterborne topcoat suitable for coating wooden products for indoor use. It ensures excellent hardness and good chemical resistance. The good vertical hold and hardness, coupled with an exceptional even matting and smoothness, make AT99 a viable environmentally-friendly alternative to meet all requirements.

  • Non yellowing acrylic waterbase topcoat
  • Two gloss levels (Matt, Satin)
  • Excellent as clear finish and colours
  • Super smooth finish
  • Clear version achieves FIRA 6250 Severe Use

Suitable for spraying interior wooden components where durability, good even matting and good chemical resistance is required. It's the ideal product for kitchen doors, flat parts, turned parts, picture frames and matchboards. It can be sprayed using a conventional spray, Airless or Brush / Roller.

Further chemical resistance can be achieved with 1% XA4080/00 Crosslinker (Contact us for more information).